Looking to move to Canada? Make sure you are familiar with the country’s laws! This guide will provide you with everything you need to know, from immigration requirements to tax laws. We cover it all!

Traffic laws

In Canada, traffic drives on the right side of the road. The maximum speed limit on highways is 100 kilometers per hour (about 62 miles per hour), while the maximum speed limit in urban areas is 50 kilometers per hour (about 31 miles per hour). All drivers must wear seat belts, and it is illegal to use a cell phone while driving.

Child labor laws

The Canadian government does not allow children under the age of 14 to work without parental permission. Children between the ages of 14 and 18 may only work certain jobs and for limited hours. For example, they may not work in hazardous environments or jobs that require heavy lifting.

Environmental laws

Canada has strict environmental laws designed to protect both its citizens and its natural resources. Some of the most important laws include the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, the Fisheries Act, and the Species at Risk Act.

Employment standards

In Canada, employees are entitled to a number of workplace protections, including minimum wage, overtime pay, vacation days, and sick leave. Employers must also provide employees with written contracts and ensure that all working conditions meet provincial standards.

Tax laws

All Canadians are required to file a tax return each year. The amount of taxes you owe will depend on your income level and province of residence. You may be able to reduce your tax bill by claiming certain deductions and credits.

Property rights

Canadian property law is based on English common law. Under this system, individuals have the right to own property and pass it on to their heirs. Property can be divided into two categories: movable (e.g., cars, furniture, bank accounts) and immovable (e.g., land, buildings).

Laws related to alcohol

In Canada, you must be at least 18 years old to legally drink alcohol. It is also illegal to drive while intoxicated. Possession of marijuana is illegal in Canada, with a few exceptions for medical use. Penalties for drug offences can range from fines to prison sentences.

Finally, remember that Canadian law is based on English common law – so make sure you know your rights before you sign any contracts!